Album cover inspired

The title says enough. We had to do a remake of an albumcover. I love music but I am not the best at knowing the names or the photography that comes with it. So I went scrolling trough my Spotify lists. Eventually I choose ‘Voodoo child’ from Brick and Mortar because i like how the photographer works with depth by the sharpness and light. Also the face paint looked like a challenge which I was excited about.

It took me two shoots to come to this image. The first time I used 2 lights which was not enough. Ofcourse, I am lucky that Pepijn looks quit similar to the boy on the actual cover. But I think I did a pretty good job for someone who does not work a lot in the studio. The combination of light and the sharpness was indeed very difficult because of the aperture number.

For me it worked quit well to do some thing again another time. If you make good use of time in class then this is very doable.