Inspired by film noir

In the studio we started working with 'Film noir'. Film noir is an old film genre were they make a lot of use of low key lighting. The light emphasizes the things that are important at that moment. The pictures are often a still between something with action and a result of this action.

We made the pictures as a group together. We all had a task to do while shooting. With picture above I was behind the camera. And with the picture below I was the model as you can see. We all had kind of a specific task but we also helped echoer out. Everyone was helping with the lightning for example. An interesting fact that we find out is that you can center the light more with a sort of mesh filter in front of the lamp. We used it at the image below. You can see how we tried to have light at my eye section only. However the surface of the light is still to much, but we kind of liked it this way. Now there is a little bit more of a story then when you can only see the eyes. Also the image has more depth now.

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