Light and reflection

Experimenting with light. I have never worked with anything of a reflection screen in my life so this was also a challenge. But I learned that I should just let everything happen and then automatically see what can happen with the light.

This worked well and as you can see there is quit a difference between the images.

The first image here next to the text is light from the front, the second is backlight with reflection screen in front of the model. The first images below this text is light from the side, the second is light from the side with reflection screen at the other side. The last image is only backlight.

The feedback was that the assignment was done sufficient but I had to put more ambition in the photos. For example the background which are a bit boring and the clothing of the girl could have been different. I completely agree with this because I was actually only looking at the assignment. I was so busy with what I had to do that I forgot to think about the other things. Tip for next time: Try
to see it less as a homework assignment and more as a work itself.