Suppress daylight

For this assignment we had to suppress the daylight with certain settings on your camera. After failing the first time, I went back the next morning. My settings were not set correct the first time. The second time was early in the morning but this was actually very good for this assignment. The pose of the model was spontaneous. But I did look at what the pictures told me at the end of the shoot. With this photo I thought it was great that the pose of the model played together with the background. In the background you can see the Hoogovens smoking and the model blows against this smoke. This could, for example, be a statement against pollution.

The three edits were part of the assignment, but I like how each edit immediately has a different effect on the meaning of the photo. The first photo is very dark and makes it cold. The second photo is very gray, which matches the meaning of the pollution. The third photo looks a bit like a memory due to the yellow / warm glow. Experimenting with this was very interesting and maybe I could use this in a project later.