Remake Stefan van Fletteren & Celine van Balen

Remake Stefan van Fletteren

Stefan van Fletteren

Remake Celine van Balen

Celine van Balen

Another week in the studio. After next week I was not that excited to work in the studio. I saw that I still have to learn a lot and that I get insecure fast about what I am doing. But we just hit it. For this assignment we had to pick a photo from Stefan van Fletteren and also one from Celine van Balen. The pictures of van Balen are very sharp which is in contrast with the pictures of van Fletteren. Van Fletteren has has both sharpness and unsharpness in his pictures.

Let’s start! The first time shooting with a Hasselblad camera! EXCITING! I was the last one of my group. Last weak I saw that this worked well for me. Because first I could help everyone where I learned a lot from. I learned that you use a soft box for soft shadows and a spot is for hard shadows and so more contrast in the pictures.

More stuff I learned:

  • How further your model is away from the background, the darker it gets when you only have light on your model.

  • Pointing light from underneath the background creates an overflow of light in the background.

  • How further the light from your model the bigger the aperture (smaller number)

  • Take your time.

  • You learn from helping others!

Hasselblad photography is analogue so we also had to develop our own photos for the first time. I thought this went very well. I noticed that I still have to ask for help a lot. But that’s okay. Even Herman said: ‘Dare to ask!’