OH MY GOD, this masterclass was so cool!!!

I met so many nice people! And I also god some tips for inspiration and for looking for an internship. Dagmar from St Joost in Breda told me about her internship at an installation artist (Unfortunately, I forgot her name). But after this I started thinking; I always want to do more with projections and installations, so maybe it is a good idea to look for an artist who does a lot with this. I have already asked Rik (teacher of my theory course) if he knew a few names and he came with Wolfgang Tillmans, Sanne de Wilde, Rein Jelle Terpstra and Thomas Kuiper. After looking them up, I am not sure if this is what I meant with installation art. But the search continues. Wolfgang Tillmans would of course be awesome to do an internship though.

But back to the masterclass!

Dominic was so friendly and it was so interesting to hear his way of working; How he knows all these people who can help him with different things in his project! You could also really see how intelligent he was. His work is a lot about technology and you could see that he was telling about this with passion!

Dominic also gave me some inspiration to look at. Because I told him that I think that it is so hard to look for good inspiration for a project. It always feels a bit like you are copying others. Dominic told me that he actually had the same problem! But what he does is not look at photographers anymore but look at designers instead! Designers also work a lot with photography, but often have a different approach which is interesting to look at! Then the approach can be the inspiration and not the image itself. You will see some designers I found at my inspiration page!

At the end of the Masterclass, we had a present with the HKU people for Mirjam Kooiman en Dominic Hawgood. We gave them both a bottle of wine and also added some thankyou-cards with that (of course with our website and name on it :) SMART!!!).

Here you see some work from Dominic his exhibition at foam. More of Dominic also at my inspiration page
